
Fco Borja Oriol

Commander of Civil Submarines

The designer of the multi-purpose Submarine Catamaran (SubCat) technology. Since 1993 he has carried out the enterprise of developing this technology, building it and making it operational. He has managed the tourist operations in Santorini, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.

Pablo Caneda

Technical Engineer 

Yacht Captain certified to carry passengers and official SubCat Pilot. Leading the technical team since 2000, during the construction of the S30 with NavalSub (then Subibor). He has worked from 2007 to 2013 as chief of operations of the SubCat S30 "Balea" and the refit and new operative of Conquistador Uno.

 Paula Bea

Pilot and Skipper 

Yacht captain certified to carry passengers and official SubCat pilot. She has worked in the operative of SubCat S30 “Balea” and the refit and new operative of Conquistador Uno, as part of the technical team of NavalSub.

Carlos Llerena 

Naval Engineer

Marine senior surveyor of ABS from 1981 to 2015, has worked in the repair and rebuilt of SubCat S30, developing the performances and technology.

Malén Oriol

Business Development Manager 

Lawyer specialized in maritime law. Since 2020 she has been working for NavalSub providing management and advisory services.


All this has been possible thanks to the collaboration of leading companies made up of great professionals with the best values who have been committed to the project since its inception.

NODOSA SHIPYARD, located in Marín, Galicia, Spain. The yard has built together with Navalsub, since 1994, all the submarines/Subcat.

BIDASOA, originally from Marín, Galicia, Spain. It has manufactured the most advanced composite materials for the Subcat.

TARW TRADING, based in Finland and partly owned by LAMOR, are the leading firm for subsea environmental protection systems and equipment.


Safety and certifications

ABS is an American maritime classification society established in 1862. Its stated mission to promote the security of life, property and the natural environment, primarily through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of marine and offshore assets.

ShipTek International Awards: 2021 Classification society of the year


ABS is recognized by the majority of international flag States and has been delegated authority to act as a Recognized Organization on behalf of more than 120 governments.

hips and marine structures comply with the established ABS Rules for design, construction and periodic survey

ABS Rules are derived from principles of naval architecture, marine engineering and associated disciplines

The United Nations agency responsible for maritime traffic safety. IMO measures cover all aspects of international shipping - including design, construction, equipment, manning, operation and disposal - to ensure that this vital sector remains safe, environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The Spanish Merchant Marine Shipping, as local representative of IMO, has developed specific emergency plans and life support systems for SubCat.

+34 630 24 71 98

Tecnologías NavalSub, S.L.
Avda. de la Victoria, 87, Piso1. 28023, Madrid, España CIF/VAT B35686526

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